Some health services, including aged care services may not need to complete this form.
Be aware that you do not have to report an incident involving loss to the Department (i.e. you don’t need to complete this form to report loss) if:
•The lost products were NOT originally obtained via either of the following ways:◦On the authority of a Victorian poisons licence or permit◦On the authority of a registered health practitioner (including a pharmacy (a pharmacist), a medical practitioner, a veterinary practitioner, a nurse practitioner, an authorised midwife, an authorised optometrist or an authorised podiatrist).
•The incident has, or will be, reported to a police officer from Victoria Police.
So, an aged care service that does not hold a poisons permit does not need to complete this form if the incident has been, or will be, reported to a police officer from Victoria Police.
(This is outlined in Sub-regulation 153(2) of the current Victorian Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Regulations).