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Trust form 18: Deceased Estate - Commencement or Completion of Administration
Fields marked with * are required

Receipt details


Trust form 18: Deceased Estate - Commencement or Completion of Administration
Fields marked with * are required

Collection statement

This information is collected by the SRO to ensure that land held under a deceased estate is correctly assessed for land tax. If this information is not provided you may be required to pay penalty tax. The information collected may be used for the purposes of other SRO legislation. Where authorised by law to do so, we may disclose this information to other government agencies including the ATO, State and Territory revenue offices and law enforcement agencies. You can find out more about how we use and protect your information in our Privacy Policy on


Notifier details

Trust form 18: Deceased Estate - Commencement or Completion of Administration
Fields marked with * are required

Nominated contact

Will the nominated contact be one of the personal representatives?
Contact details

Australian address

What is the type of address?

International address

Personal representative details

If you are commencing administration, please provide the details of all personal representatives. If you are completing administration, please only provide details of the primary personal representative.


Is the representative an individual or an entity?
Contact name
Contact name

Australian address

What is the type of address?

International address

The "Date of Appointment" is the date of the issue of:
(a) Grant of Probate to the executor of the will, or
(b) Letters of Administration to the administrator of the estate
I am the personal representative as:

Deceased estate administration

Trust form 18: Deceased Estate - Commencement or Completion of Administration
Fields marked with * are required

Deceased estate details

Residential address at time of death

Australian address

What is the type of address?

International address


I am submitting this form to notify:
Concessionary period
Under the trust provisions in the Land Tax Act 2005, land that is held by the personal representative of a deceased estate is assessed for land tax at the general rate until the earlier of:
a. The completion of administration of the deceased estate, or
b. The third anniversary of the death of the deceased, or a further period approved by the Commissioner.
If administration of the deceased estate is not completed by the third anniversary of the date of death of the deceased due to factors beyond the control of the personal representative, the Commissioner of State Revenue may extend the concessionary period. To apply for an extension of the concessionary period, submit a request in writing to the Commissioner stating the reasons for the extension.
The following documents must be produced with this form:
On submission of this form you will be provided with a tracking/receipt number. Please record this number as it can be used as a reference when submitting the completion of administration of a deceased estate form.
Completion of administration
The SRO considers administration of an estate to be complete upon the first occurrence of the events listed below:
a. The personal representative first assents to the transfer of a land in a deceased estate to an heir, beneficiary of a person entitled under the will, such as a trustee, or
b. The personal representative has completed all the duties of administering the estate except distribution to the heirs or beneficiaries, or
c. The personal representative has completed the final accounts of the estate, or
d. The personal representative has made an interim distribution of a part of the estate to the heirs or beneficiaries, and indicated that the estate has sufficient funds to discharge all debts and cover all expenses, or
e. The personal representative has commenced holding any estate land upon trust established under the will (e.g. as trustee for a discretionary trust established under the will for a beneficiary), or
f. When an estate is transferred to the person entitled to it under the will or testamentary instrument or to an heir of an intestate estate.
If a personal representative is uncertain as to when administration of the estate is complete for land tax purposes, that person should seek legal advice.
Land continued to be held by the deceased estate upon completion of administration
Will the personal representative retain legal ownership of any land at the date of completion of administration?
Provide the details of all land which the personal representative retains legal ownership of at the date of completion of administration:


Property address
What is the type of address?

Supporting documents


Supporting documents


Trust form 18: Deceased Estate - Commencement or Completion of Administration
Fields marked with * are required

Nominated contact

Will the nominated contact be one of the personal representatives?
Contact details

Australian address

What is the type of address?

International address

Personal representative details

If you are commencing administration, please provide the details of all personal representatives. If you are completing administration, please only provide details of the primary personal representative.


Is the representative an individual or an entity?
Contact name
Contact name

Australian address

What is the type of address?

International address

The "Date of Appointment" is the date of the issue of:
(a) Grant of Probate to the executor of the will, or
(b) Letters of Administration to the administrator of the estate
I am the personal representative as:

Deceased estate details

Residential address at time of death

Australian address

What is the type of address?

International address


I am submitting this form to notify:
Concessionary period
Under the trust provisions in the Land Tax Act 2005, land that is held by the personal representative of a deceased estate is assessed for land tax at the general rate until the earlier of:
a. The completion of administration of the deceased estate, or
b. The third anniversary of the death of the deceased, or a further period approved by the Commissioner.
If administration of the deceased estate is not completed by the third anniversary of the date of death of the deceased due to factors beyond the control of the personal representative, the Commissioner of State Revenue may extend the concessionary period. To apply for an extension of the concessionary period, submit a request in writing to the Commissioner stating the reasons for the extension.
The following documents must be produced with this form:
On submission of this form you will be provided with a tracking/receipt number. Please record this number as it can be used as a reference when submitting the completion of administration of a deceased estate form.
Completion of administration
The SRO considers administration of an estate to be complete upon the first occurrence of the events listed below:
a. The personal representative first assents to the transfer of a land in a deceased estate to an heir, beneficiary of a person entitled under the will, such as a trustee, or
b. The personal representative has completed all the duties of administering the estate except distribution to the heirs or beneficiaries, or
c. The personal representative has completed the final accounts of the estate, or
d. The personal representative has made an interim distribution of a part of the estate to the heirs or beneficiaries, and indicated that the estate has sufficient funds to discharge all debts and cover all expenses, or
e. The personal representative has commenced holding any estate land upon trust established under the will (e.g. as trustee for a discretionary trust established under the will for a beneficiary), or
f. When an estate is transferred to the person entitled to it under the will or testamentary instrument or to an heir of an intestate estate.
If a personal representative is uncertain as to when administration of the estate is complete for land tax purposes, that person should seek legal advice.
Land continued to be held by the deceased estate upon completion of administration
Will the personal representative retain legal ownership of any land at the date of completion of administration?
Provide the details of all land which the personal representative retains legal ownership of at the date of completion of administration:


Property address
What is the type of address?