Completion of administration
The SRO considers administration of an estate to be complete upon the first occurrence of the events listed below:
a. The personal representative first assents to the transfer of a land in a deceased estate to an heir, beneficiary of a person entitled under the will, such as a trustee, or
b. The personal representative has completed all the duties of administering the estate except distribution to the heirs or beneficiaries, or
c. The personal representative has completed the final accounts of the estate, or
d. The personal representative has made an interim distribution of a part of the estate to the heirs or beneficiaries, and indicated that the estate has sufficient funds to discharge all debts and cover all expenses, or
e. The personal representative has commenced holding any estate land upon trust established under the will (e.g. as trustee for a discretionary trust established under the will for a beneficiary), or
f. When an estate is transferred to the person entitled to it under the will or testamentary instrument or to an heir of an intestate estate.
If a personal representative is uncertain as to when administration of the estate is complete for land tax purposes, that person should seek legal advice.
Land continued to be held by the deceased estate upon completion of administration
Provide the details of all land which the personal representative retains legal ownership of at the date of completion of administration: