Cooling tower systems must be registered with the Department of Health. A penalty applies if you do not register a cooling tower system.
Registrations is issued for one, two or three years. The applicant can choose which registration period they wish to apply for.
To register a cooling tower system complete the Application for regstration of a cooling tower system form and email to
Cooling Tower System Registration
A copy of the Cooling Tower System Registration certificate will be sent to the nominated regsitration holder via email.
A registration holder must notify the Department within 30days after a cooling tower system has been decommissioned or removed. A copy of the current regsitration certificate must be attached to the notification form. Notify to decommission or remove cooling tower system
A registration holder must notify the department within 30 days after each event of the following change of details:
Notify to change registration details.
Payment options are listed on the request for payment letter (Credit Card or BPay). Please ensure you refer to the letter for payment details when making the payment. Please note: We do NOT accept Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments.